Healthcare clinics have a lot that’s expected of them. And while meeting these expectations can be challenging at times, meeting what’s expected of your website shouldn’t be. This post will cover the five pages every healthcare practice’s website should have and why they’re so important.
About Page that Features the Clinic’s Staff and Doctors
While no website should be without a home and about page, a healthcare practice’s about page should include profiles of its doctors and staff. The quality of care your clinic is able to provide directly depends on the competence of these individuals.
Most new patients will want to see the credentials, experience, and personality of your core staff before making an appointment. By providing all of this information on your about page, you make it easier for potential patients to learn more about your practice’s medical team, which they’re guaranteed to appreciate.

Service Overview Page
While your website’s home page should clearly show what your healthcare practice does (learn more about how this is achieved in one of our previous posts), it should also direct potential patients to more information about your services. But not every patient is going to need a deep dive into all the things your clinic offers. This is when a service overview page comes in handy.
A page like this allows you to give a brief overview of all the services your practice offers. Then, if a user would like more information about a particular service, you can provide them with a button that links to a full page dedicated to that single service. Giving your users easily digestible bits of information while also providing them the option to read in further detail is an excellent way to cater to the online searching habits of every user that lands on your site.

Testimonials Page
After learning about your practice, its staff, and services, the next thing a user wants to know is the quality of care they can expect to receive as a patient. The best way to do this is through patient testimonials. These give users an honest picture of what it’s like to receive care at your clinic. Of course, you’ll want to curate your testimonials so that the best ones appear first.
It’s also a good idea to provide links to review websites such as Healthgrades, Yelp, Facebook, or Google Reviews as well. Providing users easy access to these user-generated reviews will add further credibility to your practice.

Patient Forms Page
Filling out paperwork may be the least enjoyable part of becoming a new patient. So, we implore you to make it part of your Hippocratic Oath to do what you can to alleviate this pain as much as possible. A great way to do this is to provide patient forms as downloadable PDFs on your website, allowing patients to print and fill them out before coming to their appointment. This helps make becoming a new patient a much smoother and more relaxing process.

FAQ Page
No matter what kind of healthcare clinic you have, every patient is going to have a load of questions when they first come in to see you. Doing your best to provide answers to these questions on your website is an excellent way to ease patient anxieties and make them as informed as possible.
Having an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page on your site is a great way to answer the questions you get on a regular basis from new patients. If you get a lot of questions related to the different aspects or services your clinic provides, it’s a good idea to organize your FAQ page into sections so that related questions stay grouped together. This helps users have an easier time finding what they’re looking for. Make this page as extensive as it needs to be so that no patient’s question goes unanswered.

Is Your Practice’s Website Missing One of These Pages?
Barta Media Group has over 10 years of experience helping healthcare practices and other businesses improve their website and build a successful online presence. If it seems like your website could use a checkup, please give us a call at 678-464-5785 or fill out the contact form below.