For healthcare practices whose primary focus is delivering cosmetic results to their patients, having before and after images on your website is an absolute must. These photos serve as proof of what your clinic can do and are a key marketing tool for earning new patients.
Why Before and After Images Matter So Much

- They make people believe. In general, most people need to be shown something before they believe it. You can go on talking about how great your service is, but if you don’t have any visual proof to back it up, few people will be willing to spend the money based on your word alone.
- They show that your practice changes lives. Showing potential patients results you’ve been able to deliver for others makes them feel that you can do the same for them.
- They prove the value of your service. When you show a prospective client of what was and what now is, you’re also showing them what you’re worth.
- They separate you from the competition. Using before and after pictures in your marketing gives you an enormous competitive advantage over your competitors. They show that you’re the real deal and prove the quality of your service.
Above all else, before and after images show that you care about the results you deliver to your patients. The internet is filled with contrived content that lacks any real substance. So when you make an effort to show that you’re offering something that’s genuine, it stands out and grabs your audience’s attention.
Staying HIPAA Compliant
Because you’ll most likely be using patient photos to create your before and afters, you must get their permission first before using them. You may have them sign a model release form or focus on showing the treated area so that anonymity is kept. It’s worth noting that before and afters are most effective when they show an entire person’s body. This works to prove that the two images are in fact depicting the same person and helps boost credibility.
It’s also important to make sure the images you’re using are compliant with the community standards or ad policy of the social media platform you’re posting to. Each platform has their own policy, so be sure to read up on what you can and cannot post.
Not Sure How to Add Before and After Pictures on Your Website?
Depending on how your website was built, how you go about adding before and after images on your site may be different. If you’re having trouble reaching your site’s old developer, ask Barta Media Group how we can help. Simply fill out the contact form below or give us a call at 678-464-5785.