These are especially trying times for small business owners and their employees. As we all do our part to help mitigate the spread of the Covid-19 virus by self-quarantining and following the guidelines set by the World Health Organization, it can’t help but present a frightening reality for many small businesses. Many owners are scrambling to figure out how they are going to keep their business afloat while taking care of their employees and customers. While some owners are able to maintain business operations remotely, others are forced to close up shop and wait this crisis out.
For business owners in this very unfortunate situation, maintaining productivity can seem difficult. That’s why we thought we’d share some ideas for maintaining productivity during this crisis so that you can hit the ground running when it’s time to return to business.
1. Reassure Your Customers
As a business owner, the first thing you should be doing is explaining to your customer what changes, if any, will be happening to their service while the Covid-19 crisis is on-going. Making sure that your customers are informed about how you will be providing service will help put their minds at ease.
For some business owners, customer dropoff will be unavoidable due to the nature of their industry and the regulations surrounding them. But for businesses that are able to maintain partial or full operations, customer concerns need to be addressed as quickly as possible to avoid panic cancellations. Mitigating all potential losses should be a top priority, and that begins with addressing your customers’ needs and concerns.
2. Develop A “Return to Business Plan”
While it may not feel like it at the moment, this crisis will end. And when it does, you’ll be glad you took the time to develop a plan that gets your business back on track. What you put in your plan will, of course, depend on your business’s situation. So, take stock of all the facets that make up your business and start to come up with ideas for how critical tasks will be executed once things pick back up.
It may also be a good idea to share your plan with employees and key personnel so that they know what’s being done to ensure a quick recovery. You may even be able to delegate certain tasks to team members to make this process more efficient.
3. Develop A Marketing Plan
Having a plan for getting customers back in your store or signing up for your service will be crucial for bouncing back once this crisis is over. This may require offering discounts, coupons, putting on a special event, and other types of promotions. The primary goal of this marketing plan is to make sure your customers are aware of your return and feel rewarded for their patronage.
The platforms you should consider utilizing to share these messages and advertisements include:
• Social Media
• Google Ads
• Email
• Your Website
• Press Releases
• Newspaper & Magazine Ads
• Direct Mailers
So start drawing up a plan and coordinate with your marketing team to create the assets you’ll need to get your message out to your customers.
4. Stay Informed
Once you have all your plans in place, the next thing to do is stay informed on how the situation is progressing. But do your best to limit the amount of time spent reading articles and watching news updates. You should also try to stay focused on your local area or wherever your customers are. This will allow you to create a timeline for implementing your plan.
5. Hobbies, Family Time & House Work
Of course, you can’t spend all of your time working on your business and staying up to date. Relaxing your mind with a hobby to maintain a positive disposition can be just as important as preparing for your business’s return. If you have a family, spending some extra time playing games, watching movies, or reading books is also a great way to pass the time.
You can also use the extra time to get your home in order or finish up any projects you’ve been putting off. Staying busy will help pass the time more quickly and keep you in good spirits.
6. Take An Online Education Course
Another great way to use your free time wisely is to learn a new skill or expand your knowledge. Today, there are plenty of online learning platforms to choose from, each specializing in different educational topics and teaching methods. PC Mag has a great list of online learning platforms for business owners that you can use to see which ones cater to your interests.
7. Stay Calm & Stay Safe
Above all, make sure you’re doing everything possible to keep you and your family safe while this crisis is ongoing. Staying healthy should be everyone’s top priority right now. So again, make sure you’re following the guideline set by the CDC and World Health Organization as we get through this tough time together.
We Got Your Back
If you need help developing a marketing plan or creating marketing materials for when it’s time to get back to business, give us a call at 678-464-5785 or fill out the contact form below.